High School Educators
A complete list of our tools and publications for high school counselors, teachers and administrators is available below. To get started, check out our handout, "A Plan of Action," to learn how to use our materials throughout the year.
View a list of additional resources.
Educator Tools
- A Plan of Action: How to Use UCanGo2’s Tools and Resources Throughout the Year
- College Cost Worksheet
- College Fair Best Practices
- Event Planning Tips
- Counselor Talking Points: Identifying Student Plans for College
- Counselor Talking Points: Working with Parents
- General Best Practices List
- High School Student Workbook Handouts:
- Developing My Career Plan Worksheet
- Glossary of College Terms
- Making the Most of Campus Visits Guide
- Picking a College Decision Tree
- Understanding Campus Types Guide
- UCanGo2 Services Flyer
- UCanGo2 Poster
- Classroom Games:
FAFSA Toolkit
Fall is the best time to remind your high school seniors about the importance of completing and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This critical step is the first in the process of qualifying for state and federal aid to help pay for college.
Given your packed schedule and the importance of early FAFSA notification to students and parents, we’ve loaded our FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors with resources that are “ready to roll” for your convenience. The tools provided in the kit are available below for you to download and use as you please.
Don't forget to visit our FAFSA website for students and their parents at StartWithFAFSA.org. Help the families you serve learn about the FAFSA by sharing this site with them where new information about FAFSA completion is posted weekly.
- FAFSA Toolkit Guidebook
- FAFSA Facts
- FAFSA Fundamentals
- FAFSA HS Graduation Requirement Flyer
- FAFSA Dependency Questionnaire
- Finish the FAFSA in Five Steps, also available in Spanish
- Who Needs a StudentAid.gov Account? Flowchart
- StudentAid.gov Account Worksheet, also available in Spanish
- FAFSA Parent Flyer
- FAFSA Poster
- FAFSA Timeline
- Transition to College
- Understanding Your Aid Offer PowerPoint
- Student Aid Index (SAI) PowerPoint
- Creating a StudentAid.gov Account PowerPoint
- Creating a StudentAid.gov Account Without a Social Security Number PowerPoint
FAFSA Event Planning Tools
Hosting a FAFSA event at your school just got a lot easier! Use these "ready-to-go" tools to help you plan and promote your event.
- Event Planning Checklist
- Ask Me About FAFSA Sign (PDF)
- StartWithFAFSA Business Card
- FAFSA Event Email Blasts
FAFSA Completion Promotional Tools
Video Spots:
Instructions for use: View each video below by clicking the "play" buttons. If you'd like to share these videos on your school's website and/or social media pages, simply copy/paste the YouTube hyperlinks found above each video.--------------
FAFSA Tutorial English:
FAFSA Tutorial Spanish:
Digital Display Ads:
Instructions for use: Click each image to download and save, then post these on your school's website and social media pages. Link the images to our FAFSA blog, StartWithFAFSA.org.
Student Publications
- College Planning Checklists
Additional Resources